neither one of them, including assange, would be guilty of any crime because they didn't steal it or hack it, correct? >> that is absolutely correct. the pentagon papers case stands for the propositiony publications can publish stolen documents as long as they are not involved in the stealing. it'sub in the public interest. itbo was important for america o learn about the lies underlying the vietnam war and the same can be true here. isn't it important that americans learned of corrupt behavior by hillary clinton and the clinton campaign and the d.n.c.? of course it is. even though that information was either stolen or it was leaked by someone. which might not even be a crime to begin with. >> sean: why don't they ever go to assange, wikileaks, and say okay, you got this information -- they make deal with everybody else. why didn't they make a deal with him to say you show us, where it all came from, then we'd get definitive answer, wouldn't we? it seems like nobody wanted toan