something. >> i do think change is coming. >> when congress failed to act, activists found a work around. [closing bell] >> wall street. >> in all honesty it probably is a work around because congress isn't getting much done. >> idea that wall street could enforce gun control took off. >> business is in this odd place where it has leverage. clearly the banks have leverage. the retail organizations have leverage. they parkland. people expect them to use that leverage. >> within days, companies acted. citi group proclaiming all retail clients would be prohibited from selling firearms to buyers under age 21 and pledging to cut off business with customers who sell bump stocks or high capacity magazines. bank of america was next announcing they would no longer offer loans to manufacturers that make assault rifles. the movement sparking controversy from some in congress like senator john kennedy of louisiana who argued big banks going rogue and creating their own gun control policy actually violates federal law.