thing, here to win the super bowl, nothing else matters. i don't want any other distraction, except one focus, i congratulate coach peterson onct doing a tremendous job. he lost a great quarterback, still managed to win the super bowl. i'm very proud that he was looking forward to getting to the white house. it is unfortunate the players don't get that experience. >> laura: his quarterback was one of the few people who wanted to come to the white house, along with coach peterson, whoe wanted to come, as well, but they didn't make the trip. w another coach from the nba, coach kerr from the golden state warriors, made this point about patriotism and trump, let's watch. >> the president is turning all of the stuff into a political game, a ratings game, a blatant display of nationalism. we just have these military sing-alongs at the white house to show how patriotic we are,ar even though we don't know the words. just incredible. but i'm really proud of the people in this country who are