military take action. it's the home landing. at the end of the day, you have this sort of unprecedented swelling on the border. you have assaults on our border a patrol that happen every single day. many of them don't get reported. i have been down there. they talk about the fact that they are being insulted. that's why in garrett's report he said if the military does intervene it will only be for a few minutes to get control of the situation. because, without something in place to properly secure the situation,. rachel: border patrol do it themselves? why do they need the military backup? griff: it's a numbers game. 2 to 8,000 people swelling across the border and they start to assault, remember, our border patrol, who get up every single day many of them on patrol right now, are not facing just families looking to surrender themselves at points other than point of entry, but also narcotics, drug deals, smugglers, they have skin in the game. they want to fight back.