>> melissa: eight days before the house democratic caucus votes on its leadership, minority leader nancy pelosi is facing a new challenge in her own party. 16 current and incoming house democrats have signed a letter vowing not to vote for her for speaker, saying "our majority came on the back of candidates who said they would support new leadership because voters in the heart-won district sent across the country want to see real change in washington. we promise to change the status quo, and we intend to deliver on that promise." the meantime, nine military veteran democrats are praising pelosi's record on preserving national security and supporting those who have served our country. a new cbs poll finds that democratic voters are just as divided. 49% want her back a speaker, while 40% say it's time for change. all of this as ohio congresswoman marcia fudge considers challenging pelosi. fudge says she will announce her decision after thanksgiving. jessica, what is she holding out