per hour. that's like a hurricane-force wind gust. gets a little bit better as you head towards central and northern california but we still have red flag warnings up for 21 million people across california. the winds will, again, be concentrated over southern california and unfortunately we are going to be dealing with this threat not only today but tuesday as well. it's dry, it's very warm and the wind gusts are going to be causing a lot of problems for firefighters. of course, prayers out for all of those brave men and women who are trying to save others today. back to you. ed: absolutely. steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> okay. steve: it's those santa ana winds, amazing. 70 miles per hour. ainsley: work so hard your whole life to build what have you and see these houses and all these deaths. let's hand it up to jillian who has more headlines for us. hey, jillian. jillian: vice president mike pence has a powerful veterans day message. in a fox news op-ed he writes, quote: veterans have no better friends than president trump. this president and our administration understand