permanent for the personal taxes , which would include small business, very important and i think kevin brady is exactly right. we are noodling about an additional 10% middle class tax cut, just noodling, looking at different plans. maria: okay. we will see but look, the great story of 2018, you said it i think in the break. maria: right. >> the economy is stupid. we are growing, you know, 3.5% in q3, 4.2% in q2, 3% overall, and my friends on the other side of the aisle said you couldn't beat 2. we're now beating 3. maria: absolutely. this is the biggest single story of 2018. maria: another big story is how china has been behaving, they've been stealing from us for decade s and now there's a report , larry, that says that it's a report that says that now china is considering buying oil from the united states versus iran as part of a larger trade