anything, and if you don't want any more kavanaugh character asass neighs, you need to reject what they did and hand them the defeat they deserve. they want power so badly, the media is in the tank for them and the only way they'll get it is for the american people to send a loud and clear signal that we're tired of you, tired of your tactics and blaming every republican for everything. >> laura: very quickly, the 5200 troops being called up to go to the border, i understand they're going to be putting razor wire on the border fence. donald trump reacted. bush tried national guard and obama tried national guard. we spent like $1.4 billion, we didn't get much for it. do you think this will be different this time? >> name one person who has tried to solve immigration harder than i have. i've reached across the aisle and i am offended by this caravan trying to overrun our country. we are a hospitable nation, they're taking advantage of our generosity. we need to send a clear signal to this caravan and every other