not only that, he determines how broad this investigation will be. if there is a serious ofco investigation of obstruction, well outside the ethical navigational beacon. >> tucker: i love it. >> there is one other possibility. that mueller decided early on that this is not a seriousus allegation of obstruction. something some of us reached that conclusion earlier. that doesn't fit well with the criminal code. if that is the case, he mayy have told rosenstein this is not an issue. conflict won't be a problem because we think this might be a dry well. either way frankly this is not someone who should be reporting to rosenstein. >> tucker: so we have got a minute left in the segment. i want to reserve the time for the informed speculation if we could. when are we going to see the fruits of this independent counsel investigation? >> it's telling that muellerf is asking about collusion, not obstruction. so if that is the case, if he