stay-at-home moms and said, these women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends and just cashing their checks as some form of feminism, that's b.s. she talked about the equivalency of death and illegal aliens in the desert to u.s. soldiers being killed in iraq. she emailed as an antiwar protest eight rally imitation player that compared u.s. troops to terrorists. i bet you before we get through the next 25 days, there will be more tape and more video of christensen amount saying really weird things that are going to make her the todd aiken of 2018. >> shannon: that's quite a comparison. i will say that she is leading in some polls. a number of polls. we are almost out of time, but it looks like now senator cruz is pulling away from congressman o'rourke d4-45. does that hold by election day? >> i think so. what i've seen in private