if you recall, in 2000, al gore, late at night, called up george w. bush and said he was asking for a recount. and bush said, you mean you're retracting your concession? and al dpoer famously replied there's no need to get snippy. democrats are the ones who have actually contested the results of the election. there's not a lot of evidence that donald trump was doing that. he was just having a joke, as is his wont. what's disturb informing me, this is another sign of totalitarian society, when trump makes an obvious joke like, hey, vladimir putin, if you're watching maybe you could cough up those e-mails of hillary's you've got. when he makes an obvious joke, intelligence agencies, then say, we need to investigate trump's joke. that's actually what they did behind the iron curtain and it's a bit disturbing that it's now happening on this side of the iron curtain.