fair and the vast majority of the country does believe in presumption of innocence. there's so many people in the country, regardless of party lines, they are saying that the way kavanaugh was treated not just by democrats but by the media, it was horrific. maybe people who don't buy into the philosophy of media, conservatives, they are not part of that conservative hard-core base. they are sitting back and saying maybe they do have a point because they watch how this guy was painted and what he was put through. they were appalled. people may not of been pushed to vote are saying these democrats really went off the rails and i have to get out there because i'm fighting for basic tenets of the republic. >> dana: juan, senate democrats running in red states already had tough racism now looks like republicans are pulling ahead in nevada and certainly in tennessee. >> juan: right. the race in tennessee, down bigger than he ever was to marsha blackburn.