gop candidate. these are the people that have been going crazy over the issue of violence against women. we've listened to that through the kavanaugh hearing. now they're advocating for violence against some women because not all conservatives are men. a lot of us are women. so this kind of rhetoric when eric holder says they're going to kick us when we're doing politics or whatever it is that they don't like, those -- some of those people attacked will be women. so how -- for the american people regardless of what the media does, we see it for what it is. we must see the hypocrisy and not just the hypocrisy on policy, this is about using violence against people and what it's a batterer does. they're saying if you do not comply, we will hurt you. we won't hurt you if you comply. that's a lie also. the attempts to harm us will never end at this point. >> sean: you sent me a text the