for example, the argument about packing the courts. i think that's going to become a really big significant feature of the 2020 presidential election, the idea that if a democrat is elected president in 2020, they should appoint two justices, in order to counteract what president trump has done by switching the ideological make up of the court. i think all those arguments are going to become very mainstream, and it is going to be tough for any serious democratic contender to resist that pressure to do something about this appointment, which they are so furious about. chris: let's talk briefly about the more immediate political impact. one the one hand, you have republicans -- on the one hand, you have the republicans, i'm talking about the midterms, 31 days away, they have been energized by the fight by the republicans to put justice kavanugh on the court. on the other hand, you can see from these protesters, there are very strong feelings particularly in the me too movement that christine blasey