heart-wrenching to watch. i've watched a number of times. again, i think you have to look at brett kavanaugh's testimony as well. equally heartbreaking. look at the destruction of his family. look at how this has played out. the biggest thing i think is so disgraceful and so disgusting is the way the democrats have allowed this process to play out. how both of these individuals are allowed to be so be and down and destroyed by frankly, the media, whose played a big role in this. not to say they shouldn't report it but they're putting so much information so much pressure on these two individuals. and i think this all could have been avoided had dianne feinstein done this behind closed doors and not in a public setting. that's what doctor ford asked for. she wanted this to be done in a private way and it wasn't. i love this could have been avoided and the pain and suffering she's having to relive and that judge kavanaugh