opponents of the nomination have suggested that judge kavanaugh set up his nomination to look like he was very supportive of women with the clerks that he had hired. the basketball team that he coaches and having supportive letters signed by women he had worked with in the past. do you get any sense that that was an attempt to try to prevent or to mount a predefense because this allegation could be coming? >> net at all when lisa blatt said when she wrote in politico judge kavanaugh's 12 long year record on the bench, there may be no appellate federal judge who has done more to support women in the profession than brett kavanaugh. and i can speak from personal experience, dana, my first week on the job, a former clerk told me that no matter what do you, and i wouldn't have done this anyway. do not refer to the female clerks as girls. it's disrespectful and judge kavanaugh will not stand for it. it was a small thing but a sign of a larger philosophy that judge kavanaugh brings to his job.