ainsley: that's for the 8:00 church goers go right to the bar afterwards. brian: or who went saturday night. ainsley: true. steve: thank you for joining us not on saturday night but on a tuesday that feels like a monday after a big labor day weekend. hope you had a nice one. we are getting down to business in washington. brian: judge brett kavanaugh in the hot seat facing the senate judiciary committee democrats and republicans. steve: democrats are apparently determined to delay or de rail his confirmation. ainsley: griff jenkins is live inside the heart senate building where the confirmation hearing is a couple hours away. >> that's right. history will be made when you look right now judge kavanaugh will sit in this black chair, you see the press gathering. they are getting ready red busy getting ready for it even before the fireworks start. this has turned into a hot situation. senator schumer, the minority leader in the senate slamming the administration tweeting this. the senate was just given an additional 42,000 pages of kavanaugh documents.