in a position where their bases demanding it. >> you are suggesting prudence from the democrats. i will ask you a final question -- do suggest that staying prudent for the white house, or do you think they should be prudent as well and wait for the mueller report, or do you think they should move forward in advance of that with this counterpart question work >> absently paid law and order is the most important thing when it comes the democratic republics. robert mueller is doing his job right now, the president took an oath to defend and uphold the u.s. constitution, and i think the prudent thing to do from the white house would say that defending and upholding the constitution by robert mueller doing his job. you've seen a lot of cooperation. a lot of cooperation on the details, but some rattling publicly from giuliani. seems like this white house needs to come up with a strategy. >> philip wegman from the "washington examiner." enjoy your day. >> thank you. >> me time, the british government warning of a "real threat" from islamic state fighters in afghanistan. the defense secretary in the