and always was willing to admit to his imperfections. >> plenty of democrats also emotional about senator john mccain's passing. we heard great emotion from democratic leader chuck schumer on the senate floor late yesterday. another colleague, chris coons of delaware talked about the impacts of mccain's passing. >> losing him has been something that although we all knew was coming at some point here has been i think difficult for many senators that served alongside him. it is my hope that we are not seeing the passing of the last of the great senators who are able and willing to put country above party and above self. >> losing john mccain was not a surprise after more than a year fighting brain cancer. but he was still actively engaged working the phones, calling his colleagues up until the final weeks. now that he's gone, the shock is beginning to sink in, shep. >> shepard: there had been discussion, mike, of changing the name of the russell office