unfair to the immigrants. people who won't make the decision tinges between illegal aliens and immigrants are hurting. the difference is comparable to the difference between the bank robber and a bank customer. think about that. >> jason: that's right. that's a good example. >> the guy who walks in to take his own money is the customer. the guy who robs the bank is not a customer. you don't have an inherent right to enter where you're not a citizen. do.citizens we spend $15 billion on boarder and custom protection. employs. inspections and border agents and ice backs them up. they conduct investigations into fraud and i have to make this point quickly. if you look at the guy alleged to have killed molly in iowa he is the moster child for what's wrong with immigration. he ran thehe border. it needs to be secure. we have 15 border states. hehe committed immigration fraud apparently by gaping a false identity. gaining ain false identity.