not know what kind we will get in the area, it is our life on the line, with our business and our success. >> it is a gamble with what is coming. i will be prepared for the wors worst. >> we heard sirens on a wahoo to the west in maui, a precaution to make sure that they were all working in clay in case there was fast flooding. that was yesterday, people have been preparing for a number of days. a chance to get ready before the storm slowed down. but still everybody is waiting for a lot of rain, make sure that you are prepared. >> this is going to be a marathon based event. bottom line is we are going to see torrential rains occur for the next 48-72 hours. and we hope that all of the citizens that are within hawaii are heeding the warnings that local and state officials are putting out. >> and we have gotten some showers that have come through here. big drops, no wind, but i know that rick will talk about this.