middle east, not ae single one f them. they are the first u to stand up to speak when there is a ban on travel or they've been totally silent on this or that. this issue and the answer is money. there's all this chinese money flowing all over the world, they are talking to the government in buying silence on this atrocious, horrible human rights violation that gives us insight and the true nature of the >> tucker: that is remarkable. regime in china. the governor of egypt, two of the largest arab governments, they have not pressured china to stop cracking down on muslims? >> it is not mentioned at all. last week finally for the first time they are confronted with that and the chinese were forced to answer some questions. not by some of these countries, many of whom have said very little of thing. if they have said it has been very benign, nothing forceful. in essence, if there were a million people of a new religion being rounded up any where in the world by a western nation, i assure you that she would be hearing all about