to them. >> we did this, honestly, initially, just for fun because that's what a technology company does. it has evolved into a whole nother business which we are in development right now of an actual chip that will be powered by the human body. what we have really done a sort of made it acceptable or brought into the forefront where people are now talking about it. >> they are talking about it, all right. this is not something i want to try out. i don't know about you, jason. >> jason: how fat and lazy is america that they can't lift their badge up and put it up against the scanner? they think it's fun to embed in your body a chip? >> it raises privacy issues, tracking issues. if they can take your credit card information by swiping you in a crowd with a scanner, imagine what they can do with a micro chip in your hand. the other thing is, what happens when you quit? do they take the hand off? what do you do with the hand? >> jason: if you ever changed jobs. you're exactly right. hey, peta, what do you think about that?