that signed on to that letter criticized this move. they are all saying this is sort of a dangerous precedent and political litmus test for these intelligence officials that if they are talking about something or if they have something to say that the president doesn't like, they may withhold that information out of fear of losing their job. but then like you said, all of trump supporters are saying that brennan should not have his clearance in the first place, this is well within his right. it will be back and forth. i'm sure it will continue as the president threatens to pull more security clearances. eric: people may be surprised that some of the officials do retain their security clearances after they have left the job. they say one reason for that is that they can go back in and maybe offer advice because of their experience. is that the way it generally does work in washington? one would think once you are out of the job, you are out of the loop. >> right. it allows the current officials that, you know, they may have to call someone that had their job previously who may have worked