barack obama. so president trump said we want to make sure we rebuild our middle class and that is happening. frankly the regulation relief that we provided is one of the big things in addition to tax cuts that is bringing those good manufacturing jobs back to america. don't reverse that success. by the way, they want to repeal ice. they want to abolish the very agency protecting our country from criminals and human traffickers. we'll remind people what is at stake. we want to make the tax cuts permanent. the temporary tax cuts, we'll have a bill to let every democrat that voted against cutting middle class taxes, we'll let them have a vote to make those successful tax cuts permanent. >> neil: so let me ask you about what could disrespect this recovery. a very strong recovery and hints it could get stronger. the one worry, the trade tariffs that could escalate. many colleagues are concerned that the president is playing with a live grenade there. are you? >> you know, the president has