anchor, our friend, bret baier? bret, thanks for filling us in. what is going on with keith ellison, exactly? >> yeah, tucker. this allegation, domestic abuse from a former girlfriend came out in the final days of the campaign. he is denying the allegations. it's probably going to effect some votes there we don't have any numbers yet out of minnesota. the amazing part of this story is what you mentioned is that he is the current deputy chair of the democratic national committee and you really haven't seen this story many places. you haven't seen it picked up many places. and that really is a big deal, for not only minnesota but also nationally on the democratic party. i want to touch on a couple other things. one is there are a lot of primaries that tonight could set the table for some big races come the fall. if you think about it, on the governors in new england, which as you know, a pretty progressive area, region, currently republicans hold four out of the six states. the governor's office there