just said. you are telling me there's a democratic politician who would say, we are getting universal coverage but noncitizens can't partake in it? there's not want a person who would say that. they would say, we should cover everyone. >> that's the way the affordable care act works. there are critics -- >> tucker: that's not true! >> there's not a way to navigate that, there clearly is, and the it's status quo. >> tucker: do you think there is in a democratic president running for the president who would say, we need medicare for all but not to noncitizens? >> absolutely played >> tucker: who would say that? >> i think that bernie sanders got criticism because he said -- remember, border issues -- >> tucker: one interview with vox and they called him a racist. i'm very aware. i just wrote a book on this. if he says that, i will give you $1,000. he's not brave enough to say that, no one is. >> don't give me a thousand dollars. give it to the campaign. i have a thousand dollars.