because at this point you are not going to get passed this because everybody is shouting past each other. >> kennedy: he has the power and the ability to do that. >> greg: he doesn't have to but he should. >> kennedy: he does and this is the week to do it. if you have players that are talking about systemic oppression and sentencing disparate and things like that. this is a week where the president sat down and had a round table on criminal justice reform. this is a bipartisan issue. this is something that's very popular with civil libertarians in both parties. and, this is an area where some of these players, who have the biggest grievance with this country and with whatever system it is they are protesting, they could sit down with lawmakers and the president and say, you know, here's a list of things that would make life better. you have mandatory minimums that are punishing nonviolent offenders. have you people in prison for consensual crimes. have you families that are ripped apart because they are introduced into a system they cannot afford to get out of. things like that with this criminal justice checklist that you can actually go down and make a difference.