there is data and facts to show the last two to four years the american people are better off economically f we continue to message that, we believe that's important to get to all demographics, even changing demographics, republicans shouldn't be afraid of their message of opportunity. >> harris: well put, representative walker, great to get both sides, happy were you on the program. thank you. >> thanks, harris. >> harris: fox news alert, immigration back in the hot seat a federal judge with a is threatening to hold leading members of the trump administration in contempt of court. after halting the deportation of a mom and her daughter who were put on a plane in the middle of appealing their removal. doug mcelway has more from washington. >> hi, harris. judge emmett sullivan came down hard on prosecutors who play loose with the rules. he let the government have it yesterday when he learned that the fredz had already commenced deporting an illegal immigrant, named carmen and her daughter, before an agreed-to deadline. judge sullivan tore into the