putting government mandated bans on cell phones for elementary and middle school students on their campuses. more u.s. cities like boise, idaho, are doing the exact opposite and lifting cell phone bans from their students. jason? >> you know, this is a tough one for me. >> laura: come on, professor. do you want them to be on their phone? it's annoying. >> it is totally annoying and it can be disruptive. at the same time, as we have seen with some of the school shootings and things have been going on from a cell phones have really helped in those situations to call the police in an emergency. i understand why they would want to have those cell phones there but also cell phones have encouraged a lot of bullying and fights and things like that. nobody -- >> laura: how about cheating? have you caught anybody cheating using a cell phone? >> i haven't. maybe i'm just bad at catching people. >> laura: how many times during average class to see student