hostage and getting killed. p've got to stop it. mayor should be working closely with trump. >> sean: this has to be a tipping point. our national treasure, our children.atrsto over 70 shot, 12 killed,tiinou s of others fighting for their lives. a city with a gang violence epidemic that seems neverga ending. where's rahm emanuel? he can't curtail violent crime? if he can't do it, step aside oe at the very least ask for help from the president, talk to rudy he fixed new york city. the lives of our children are at stake here. law-abiding citizens are held hostage and getting killed. we've got to stop it. i do hope the president sees what's happening and is ablele o step in and help the city of chicago and help save some lives. we will monitor that and give you updates as the situation unfolds, but first we got to return to the middle east, the president's strategy of peace through strength is in full swing. iran is now being held accountable, thankfully. the president today announcing that the tough nuclear deal sanctions finally will be reinstated against this rogue regime that chants "death to america."re