- he's a good person. i love it. - tell me about your life here. it's-- well, i'm still in the south of france. i knew i'd be there at this point in my life, so i'm there. and i travel a lot. i'm doing a magic show right now, which is kinda funny. - that's really interesting. how did that happen, too? - i know. - because this is a left turn. - well, las vegas. i did it-- you know, this is-- this is from when i was in vegas. i did the-- i was a magician's assistant with hans klok just for fun 'cause i love magic and i love to be on stage. and this is a very dangerous trick we do in germany where it's fire, spikes, gasoline. all sorts of crazy things could go wrong. and i need a little bit of excitement in my life where i create drama where there needs to be none. so, i-- it's good for me. but i'm covered in bruises and i'm always hurt and burnt and things like that. you know, it's funny because one of the things that i've always believed is that change keeps you young. - that's it, yes. - i really believe that. that if you constantly challenge yourself, find new things, it just energizes you, it does something to your body.