yourself on the internet than this. >> i'm doing that after the show. >> there's another dangerous trend invading cities across the u.s. what happened to walking? they have deposited 1300 vehicles around town and people are not happy. they're like ubers, laura. >> they just drop them in the middle of the sidewalk. >> you use your cell phone, you turn the thing on. i hope you have a direct dial to a personal injury attorney because most of these people are falling over. they don't stop gradually. they stop suddenly and people are flipping over them. again, fractures, leg breaks, arm breaks. >> don't we want people to walk? don't we have an obesity problem? now we've gone to let's move to the emergency room because you're on a scooter. >> if you're over 12, get off the scooter. >> a grown man with a backpack,

Related Keywords

Internet ,Show ,Toysr Us ,Trend ,Cities ,People ,Thing ,Laura Ingraham ,Sidewalk ,Cell Phone ,Vehicles ,Middle ,Town ,Subers ,1300 ,Fractures ,Most ,Leg Breaks ,Personal Injury Attorney ,Dial ,Oman ,Scooter ,Don T ,Backpack ,Obesity Problem ,Arm Breaks ,Emergency Room ,12 ,

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