superhero. gloria steinem -- sorry about that. that was truly a slip of the town. many on the left who were upset with ruth bader ginsburg, they that you should have retired when obama was still the president and now they say she is just holding on. i believe she is trying to give them a reason to rally during the midterms. now you have a reason to vote because ruth is going to hang on for another five more years. >> laura: i understand that people -- i saw this last night on twitter -- are offering up their organs, their internal organs, to keep her going. is that true? you see here with the barbells. >> the woman survived pancreatic cancer. >> laura: she's amazing. i actually have known her for almost 30 years. >> you will get another five years. >> laura: she's a delightful person. >> we will move on. basketball superstar lebron james just opened a brand-new, state-of-the-art school in his hometown of akron, ohio. during a media tour, he had this to say about the president. listen. >> this race thing has been