business owners have said i feel like i can hire more people. i feel like can i provide more for my family. that makes me a happy person. griff: yeah. abby: that has a real impact on the elections. it will be so interesting to see how the mid terms play out. with the economy doing well, the democrats, what is their message going to be, right? i think they are still trying to figure out what their soul is who they are. hard to do when the economy is doing well. griff: what you summed up is confidence. they have confidence in the economy. you know, there is another thing happening across the country as we have all traveled and that is the lack of confidence that so many and really the lack of respect that people have having for ice, for our law enforcement. and, you know, that was something this week that president trump will not let go. these law enforcement officers, whether they be ice or border patrol or others, to know that he has confidence in them. just real quick, pete, let's take a listen to what the president said about