election. we both said thank goodness we host radio shows. we hear this stuff day after day after day. people say they are conservatives listening. no, they are not. it's an interesting cross-section of the country. liberals will laugh if they are watching this. listen and you will learn every now and then. just listen. people were saying we don't care about this billy bush tape. we don't care about stormy daniels. they thought he might be kind of a bully but he is our bully. we are tired of being bullied by the experts and consultants on corrupt class. he's going to fight for us. that's what they were telling us on the radio. to this day, they are saying that. maybe it won't add up to much in november. i don't know. but i can tell you, i do a daily focus group. in my listening audience, they are not listening to this. they don't care about this mueller stuff. they don't care about the cohen tape. they are like let's move on. let's talk about immigration. >> that's exactly right. in 2016, donald trump got 90% of republican votes on election