are a sanctuary city and feel safe in they won't call the police if you get arrested and we entice people to say we'll get rid of i.c.e. this is a further enticement for people to make that dangerous journey which means more people will die more children will drowned in the river, more children are molested and more women are raped by these criminal organizations and by enticing people with jobs and sanctuary cities and abolishing i.c.e. we're bank rolling a criminal organization to smuggle these people the same criminal organizations that have murdered border patrol agents, murdered special agents that smuggle drugs and guns into this country and people that want to do harm to this country, really bad people that have terrorist ties so we've got to stop sending this message of enticements to people in the central america and mexico. mexico is a good partner we're working hard with them and we need to further work with mexico on controlling their southern border and work out prosperity in those countries but we've got to stop as these congressman and senators are doing enticing people to come to this country because it's a safe haven. you'll get a job we'll give you free college education and if