were brought onto the field and introduced as the fans and players stood and applauded like crazy for them. if one of the recipients throughout the traditional first pitch and before the umpires yelled out to play ball. players shook the hand of each one of those heroes. we thank those 30 men for their service and a salute to major league baseball for the very classy pregame ceremony, it was a great way to kick off. don't forget to tune in tomorrow night, we will talk to secretary of state mike pompeo he joins us for an exclusive interview at a cabinet meeting today the secretary said getting a full deep denuclearization deal to take some time. in the meantime he says sanctions will remain in place but there have been progress on numerous fronts. we've got a lot to talk to them about because the world is an interesting place. don't miss our interview tomorrow night right here at 11:00 p.m. eastern on fox news at night.