those ratings. >> here is the point. though cohen was able to snicker people like dick cheney, sarah palin, and others, there was a riverside, california, gun shop owner, whom when cohen walked in, his name was noris, he saw through this charade early on. watch. >> i just kept looking at the guy and i was like, you are borat. as soon as i said that, he turned right out the door. once i knew it was borat, we know his game and his [bleep], we knew he was he dumb i care to make a mockery of gun owners, the gun business, gun shops. >> he got some of them to read a script teaching children how to use firearms. again, it's to embarrass people who own guns, who liked guns, and cohen was dressed as a hungarian immigrant brady look like a runaway from "duck dynasty." [laughter] sleep when i was just going to