thread by my observation. boris johnson, does he have a chance? we wasn't pro trump as i remember. >> the idea they are good friends is nonsense. >> sean: i love your honesty. >> boris didn't even want trump to come to london. times change. there are certain politicians that can be malleable with these things. >> sean: a little bit? why don't you run for prime minister? >> the truth is boris did join the brexit party. he may have came late but he did and he was important. if we had boris as a leader we would be in a better place than we are with theresa may. middle england is in uproar. >> sean: do you support him? why not you? because you were the brexit leader. >> i am, i kind of step back a bit from the front line politics in britain. if they drop the ball and conservative party cannot work it out, i will be back and the next time no more mr. nice guy. >> sean:ly take that as a -- i will take that as a yes. we love our friends in great