that we know what would happen in the senate. >> judge jeanine: charlie, with respect to judge barrett, they are also a few democratse who voted for her a year ago. that makes a difference to you. isn't it interesting, charlie, that now the president is in a position for affecting the president, and changing the court for for a different doman generations. the democrats are going bananas. >> the democrats are afraid now that trump is going to fail, they are afraid that he will succeed. 1 of 8 of all circuit court judges have already been appointed by president trump rate is on pace to replace more than half of the federal judiciary. this would give a permanent 5-4 conservative constitutional majority on the high court. you saw the implication of this this last week. public-sector unions will never be the same. free-speech decision coming out of california in regards to the abortion facilities, so president trump has two high court picks and just the first