minutes and he's going to continue meetings through the rest of the week with a few other candidates. >> can you comment on the cbs report today that judges cavanaugh and barrett are now at the top of his list? >> i'm not going to get into anymore of the process other what the president said. >> the president wrote on twitter, house republicans should pass the strong but fair immigration bill known as goodlatte bill. sunday he wrote on twitter, i never pushed the republicans in the house to vote for goodlatte one or two. why would the president lie about that? >> he didn't. he talked all along, we laid out the priorities and the principles that we support, that we wanted to see reflected in legislation. at the same time, the president wasn't aggressively bobbying members because he knew that democrats in the senate were unwilling to come to the table and focus on solutions rather than playing political games. we could have gotten it through