state, to a state that has competitive elections. so, they built a lot of institutions. but the one place where they really have not made as much progress as they need to his rule of law. and that is specifically related to law enforcement. now, what happens when people are murdered, there is not a good sense of investigation, and very few people actually go to jail and so forth. but a big driver of that is the drug trafficking problem. i do not see that problem changing. i do not see him coming up with any solutions. the fundamental problem is that this country has a huge man for drugs. those dollars go directly into the pockets of criminals because, by definition, since this is a prohibited transaction, it goes to criminals. so, that means that these cartels get literally hundreds of millions of dollars every year. that overwhelms the system in mexico. he talked about doing amnesty for drug traffickers, and he backed off of that. he changed his story a number of