i knew you'd say that. i knew you'd say that. you know? so i love motown, like you do. and i grew up on it. - harvey: so you bought a radio station. - magic: yeah. you got a request, just call in. i take all requests. so your m.o. was to eventually really invest in the inner city. yeah, yeah. you had trouble finding investors. exactly. nobody at that time wanted to invest in urban america, inner cities-- - because? - because they thought they couldn't make money, you know, in black america. you know, when i started magic johnson theaters, the first theater came in the top-ten highest grossing theaters in the nation, proved people wrong. you got popcorn shrimp, - chicken... - ( crowd cheering ) ...french fries, and some hot sauce. - you talk about knowing your demo. - that's right. and i love the way you viewed your starbucks investments, that you didn't wanna do an ordinary starbucks.