not performing well, and i.c.e. is not. they are not performing well. b >> tucker: okay. but not performing well and eliminating something are very different. so let me ask you this. if you are a democrat and you care about the environment, l right? you care deeply about the environment. t by the way, i'm with you on that.y how is it good for the environment of this country to import millions of poor people from the third world? c is that good for the environment of america? honestly. please answer my question. it's a real question. >> immigration has always been good for this country. always been good. obviously there are -- >> tucker: is there any down side of all? >> no. there isn't. >> tucker: is there any down side to letting -- so what would be the limit then? if there is no down side, if s it's all good -- you know you are lying when you say that because nothing is all good in this life. but for the sake of argument, let's say you are right. >> rare exception. >> tucker: then why wouldn't you let in 100 million new people from the third world? they want to come here.