bell gellis the former head of the naacp beat his opponent for the maryland gubernatorial nomination. the colorado congressman polis took the demt primary. if elected in november, he woulde the nation's first openly gay governor. top, t trump-back candidates came out on top in south carolina. a hotly contested congressional primary in new york. for more on all of it, all the take-hom from lt night, the r.n.c. spokesperson kayleigh mcenany in the house. jaime harrison, associate chair of the d.n.c. and former chair of the house democratic party. also in the house. great to have you both. i want to go to the president trump backed candidates and the victories last night. >> president trump is a lightning rod across the country politically speaking. we see that in each and every one of the races. if you get his endorsement a good chance you win the nomination. it's extraordinary. his support in the party.