resulting in enthusiasm. the midterm usually the party is already empowered doesn't have that enthusiasm but with some it's different. i don't think we can expect that it will be just a blue wave because of different with chuck. greg: my theory, emily, is that a way more personal decision for the anti- trump people but trump is basically the tournament for a car that they hate because trump symbolizes a whole swath of americans so the vote is against this whole idea, the deplorable, maybe. >> the idea they have created and perpetuated and is not accurate and i find it ironic that it is democrats that typically now are feeling more productive go to the polls because of party control in the house or the senate and i also think it is interesting that the united states still remains 26 out of 32 out of highly democratic developed countries in terms of voter turnout. i like to take this to a plug-in be an advocate for restoring his