>> thank you all. >> it's time to go. thank you. >> harris: so the president of the united states wrapping this cabinet meeting up. we knew that that was coming. we had shown you a good 30 minutes of those taped comments from the cabinet room from the pool reporters who were there. so now those are the final comments from the president. i want to bring back republican mark walker of north korenorth carolina who chs house oversight. just quickly, to hit what the president was saying right there, as i understand it then, zero tolerance policy is still in place. he says without it our country would be overrun. so what has changed? 1235rs what we are doing at the border right now? >> i think zero tolerance is a policy that ends catch and release. that ends the opportunity to continue to move through the our country. we have over 40,000 convicted felons, not just charged but convicted that are roaming around in this country. we have got to be able to have a zero tolerance policy. but it doesn't mean that we