while. what's your take on how this went down today with horwitz appearing on capitol hill. it's amazing that comey, you see them on twitter in iowa cornfields and he's at various national parks but no time to come to capitol hill. >> comey's strategy on this is to hope it's going to blow over. that it's going to go away, that washington will forget about it. i think the opposite has to happen. ethically have to think about it this way, laura. vic about when we have cases of police misconduct or prosecutorial misconduct in the criminal realm. a cop is found having planted evidence or hiding evidence. we go and look at previous cases that that police officer handed. we want to drill down, find out how bad the problem was. i think we need to do the same thing here. the ig report as far as i'm concerned is the beginning. it's not the end of this investigation. >> laura: let's go to chris han, senator kennedy at one