rules? >> at the top. at the top i think that is true. we heard great words from christopher ray, the new director. it's frustrating because we have had these very conversationsve with him many months ago, look, you are not responsible for any of this. you need to clean this up and we'll support you in cleaning this up. but yet here it is today, we get this text message at noon today, one that's pertinent to our investigation. maybe they have a good excuse for it, but the problem with it, if they didn't give it to us, it's a problem. if they didn't know about it, it's a bigger problem. >> laura: there are other things. fbi attorneys sent, number two, they don't identify who this is. it's important to know who this is. we can't get the person's name. fbi attorney number two sent an instant message to fbi attorney number one commenting on the amount of money the subject of